Saturday 17 September 2016


The richest people in the world are Entrepreneur's and these are men that have understood the power of building there NETWORK. To become really successful and not the hit and run success,you must have your NETWORK. Rich people understand the power of LEVERAGE. Do you know what that means,it simply means doing more with less effort and that's what networking offers you.Let me tell you friends,if you think all you earn you have to work for it,then you are not ready for real success.Leverage is about doing the little you should and others does the remaining for you and you smile daily/weekly to your bank e.g LONGRICH.
Its a chain.You think you can't do it? Hmmm don't worry,in LONGRICH you have people to do that incase you can't.Just refer them and your upline will help you do the job.
I don't need to convince every single person I see. 
Any business that doesn't build a network is not worth it.i.e After I talk to you,you join/register and I earn from your joining and our path ends there,my dear its not worth it. 
People especially African are looking for quick money,but the truth is,it doesn't last believe me.I need you to join,we earn,we build our Network and we're partners for life,thats how it should be and not after I earn,we path ways. 

To all my co-Networkers listen up.             
Pls pls don't be discouraged,you remember the Parable of the sower?
He sowed(he talked to people to join),some seeds fell on way side,torns,rock(some ignored him/laughed at him/mocked him/tried discouraging him),while Some fell on good soil(joined him) and with time it germinated and beaded fruits in Hundreds,thousands and millions.i.e with time,our NETWORK will be paying us in millions.
Time will tell,let's keep sowing our seeds my co-Netwworkers.

Its Leverage,Its Networking.
I am tonyrich 
I rep Longrich
Join Longrich
Join the winning team.

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